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Outline of the course:

In the context of a worsening global environmental crisis, both scientific research, state institutions, politicians, citizens, and corporate workforce are urged to go “green” at an accelerated path. Economists and lawyers are asked to design the system of incentives and regulations that would supposedly induce all economic agents to lower drastically their environmental impact; political governance organizations are pressed to conceive the best regulatory frameworks for that purpose; and companies have to comply to ESG requirements and environmental transparency on an unprecedented scale. Meanwhile, schizophrenic advertisement pushes citizens to buy cars and not use them… (« Pour les trajets courts, privilégiez la marche ou le vélo», « Pensez à covoiturer», « Au quotidien, prenez les transports en commun », #SeDéplacerMoinsPolluer » ; see article 75 de la loi n° 2019-1428 du 24 décembre 2019 d’orientation des mobilités) In this course, we focus on green innovation and green finance with the aim of avoiding a naïve solutionist perspective: we do not posit the hypothesis that they will necessarily be effective in curbing the ecological disaster. Rather, we study how they work to assess whether they are able to provide credible solutions to the environmental crisis, and we compare their merits to other solutions that are much too often overlooked by politicians, “business as usual” promoters, and economic researchers, be they neoclassical or unorthodox: sobriety, low-and-slow-techs, finance downsizing; post-capitalism, etc.


On finance

  • Auvray T., Bédu N., Granier C., Rigot S., L’industrie de la finance, La Découverte, coll. Repères, 2022
  • Bédu N., Foureault F., Palard J.-E., Le private equity, La Découverte, coll. Repères, 2022

On green finance

  • Ansidei J., Leandri N., La finance verte, La Découverte, coll. Repères, 2021
  • Bellon J.-B., Voisin S., Detox finance : utile, positive, verte, durable: l’avenir de la finance, Eyrolles, 2019
  • Rossinot J., La finance verte: climat, secteur financier et transition net zero, Dunod, 2022
  • Grandjean A., Lefournier J., L’illusion de la finance verte, Editions de l’Atelier, 2021
  • Inderst, G., C. Kaminker and F. Stewart (2012), “Defining and Measuring Green Investments: Implications for Institutional Investors' Asset Allocations”, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions,No. 24, OECD Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5k9312twnn44-en
  • Lu, Lijing. "Tackling Carbon Intensity with Green Finance in the COVID-19 Era: Recommendations for OECD Economies." Climate Change Economics. 13.3 (2022): 1-22.
  • Monnet E., La banque providence : démocratiser les banques centrales et la monnaie, Seuil, 2021
  • Pang L, Zhu MN, Yu H. Is Green Finance Really a Blessing for Green Technology and Carbon Efficiency? Energy Economics. 2022;114.
  • Thibierge Ch., Finance durable : comment la finance d’entreprise pourra ou devra s’adapter aux défis actuels, Books on demand, 2022

On green innovation

  • Aggeri F., L’innovation, mais pour quoi faire ? Essai sur un mythe économique, social et managérial, Seuil, 2023
  • Bae, J., Khimich, N., Kim, S. et al. Can Green Investments Increase Your Green? Evidence from Social Hedge Fund Activists. J Bus Ethics (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-022-05230-x
  • Bihouix Ph., L’âge des low-techs : vers une civilisation techniquement soutenable, Points, 2021
  • Carberry, E. J., Bharati, P., Levy, D. L., & Chaudhury, A. (2019). Social Movements as Catalysts for Corporate Social Innovation: Environmental Activism and the Adoption of Green Information Systems. Business & Society, 58(5), 1083–1127.
  • Cohen Lauren, Umit G. Gurun, Quoc H. Nguyen, THE ESG-INNOVATION DISCONNECT: EVIDENCE FROM GREEN PATENTING, NBER Working Paper 27990, 2022
  • Du Kerui, Pengzhen Li, Heming Yan, Do green technology innovations contribute to carbon dioxide emission reduction? Empirical evidence from patent data, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 146, 2019,
  • Fabrizi Andrea, Giulio Guarini, Valentina Meliciani, Green patents, regulatory policies and research network policies, Research Policy, Volume 47, Issue 6, 2018,
  • Seto Karen C., Steven J. Davis, Ronald B. Mitchell, Eleanor C. Stokes, Gregory Unruh, Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Carbon Lock-In: Types, Causes, and Policy Implications, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 2016 41:1, 425-452
  • Teulières L. et al., Greenwashing : manuel pour dépolluer le débat public, Seuil, 2022
  • Unruh, G.C., Understanding carbon lock-in, Energy Policy, 28, 2000Brown M. A., Chandler J., Lapsa M.V., Sovacool B. K., CARBON LOCK-IN: BARRIERS TO DEPLOYING CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION TECHNOLOGIES, US department of Energy, ORNL/TM-2007/124, 2008

On ecological economics versus environmental economics

  • Gendron Corinne, Beyond environmental and ecological economics: Proposal for an economic sociology of the environment, Ecological Economics, Volume 105, 2014, Pages 240-253,
  • Petit O., Froger G., Bauler T., Economie écologique: une perspective européenne, De Boeck Supérieur, 2022
  • Piluso N., Economie de l’environnement, Dunod, 2021
  • Plumecocq Gaël, The second generation of ecological economics: How far has the apple fallen from the tree?, Ecological Economics, Volume 107, 2014,
  • Rotillon Gilles, Economie des ressources naturelles, La Découverte, coll. Repères, 2019
  • Venkatachalam L.,Environmental economics and ecological economics: Where they can converge?, Ecological Economics, Volume 61, Issues 2–3, 2007,

On green growth versus post-growth

  • Chiapello E., Missmer A., Pottier A., Faire l’économie de l’environnement
  • Hickel J., Les sis more: how degrowth will save the world, Windmill Books; 1er édition 2021
  • Jackson T., Post-growth: life after capitalism, Polity Press, 2021
  • Jackson Tim, 2017, Prosperity without growth, foundations for the economy of tomorrow, second edition, Routledge, first edition 2010.
  • Laurent E., Sortir de la croissance, mode d’emploi, Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2019
  • Parrique T., Ralentir ou périr: l’économie de la décroissance, Seuil, 2022
  • Schmelzer M., Vetter A., Vansintjan A., The future is degrowth: a guide to a world beyond capitalism
  • Sinaï Agnès, Economie de l’après-croissance: politiques de l’anthropocène, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015
  • The Shift Project, Climat, crises : le plan de transformation de l’économie française, Odile Jacob, 2022
  • Tordjman H., La croissance verte contre la nature: critique de l’écologie marchande, La Découverte, 2021

On epistemics of economics

  • Akerlof G., Shiller R., Marché de dupes, L’économie du mensonge et de la manipulation, Odile Jacob, 2015
  • Coriat B., Coutrot Th., Eydoux A., Labrousse A., Orléan A., Misère du scientisme en économie: retour sur l’affaire Cahuc-Zylberberg, Editions du Croquant, 2017
  • Rodrick D., Peut-on faire confiance aux économistes ?, DeBoeck Superieur, 2017
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